What Is the Average Payout for Dental Negligence?

If you’ve been permanently hurt from improper dental work done on your teeth and are seeking legal help, contact the dental malpractice attorneys at Bernstein & Maryanoff Injury Attorneys Injury Attorneys Injury Attorneys in the greater Miami, Florida, area. We can determine if you have a case through a simple phone call or by filling out the free evaluation form, and we’ll contact you. We have the expertise and experience necessary to get the maximum compensation for your dental injuries. 

What’s the Difference Between Medical Malpractice and Negligence?

When medical care goes wrong, you may think about claiming compensation. As you’re doing your research and talking to others, you may hear the phrases medical malpractice and negligence. You might wonder: What’s the difference between medical malpractice and negligence? Is there even a difference?